There were two subjects related to programming in Second year: Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming using C#. Object oriented programming was taught by Sir Saqib Ilyas. He was a skilled teacher and told us the ups and downs of .Net framework and C#, from inheritance to polymorphism, from delegates to events, from Abstract classes to interfaces, from persistence(FileIO) to serialization, from Exception throwing to Exception handling, and many more. As a practice, I wrote my Fraction and Matrix classes to aid in mathematics problems. My final project was to develop an Address Book in C# which I did along with other group members.Data Structures was taught by Sir Zaffar Qasim. He was an experienced teacher and taught us useful stuff to enhance our programming skills, from Arrays to linked lists, from stacks to queues, from trees to graphs, from searching to sorting, and much more. I, after my exams, put Data Structures in practice by making a MazeSolver which finds the shortest path between two nodes in a 2D Maze.